
Cole Porter Quotes About Love

Quotes about: Love
  • Birds do it, bees do it, even educated fleas do it; let's do it, let's fall in love.

    "Let's Do It" (song) (1954). These words were added to the original 1928 song, replacing lines including "Chinks do it, Japs do it" because Porter realized that those lyrics were offensive.
  • Night and day, you are the one.

    "Night and Day" (song) (1932)
  • Let's Do It; Let's Fall in Love.

    "Let's Do It" (song) (1954). These words were added to the original 1928 song, replacing lines including "Chinks do it, Japs do it" because Porter realized that those lyrics were offensive.

Cole Porter

  • Born: June 9, 1891
  • Died: October 15, 1964
  • Occupation: Composer
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