I could die for you. But I couldn't, and wouldn't, live for you.
To sell your soul is the easiest thing in the world. That's what everybody does every hour of his life. If I asked you to keep your soul - would you understand why that's much harder?
The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me.
You have been the one encounter in my life that can never be repeated
I can accept anything, except what seems to be the easiest for most people: the half-way, the almost, the just-about, the in-between.
Self-sacrifice? But it is precisely the self that cannot and must not be sacrificed.
One loses everything when one loses one's sense of humor.
I am a man who does not exist for others.
Divinity lies all around us, but society remains too hidebound to accept that fact...The mother sea and the fountain-head of all religions lies in the mystical experiences of the individual.
Paris is the fountain-head of European civilisation, as Gomukhi is of the Ganga.
He [William Harvey] bid me to goe to the Fountain-head, and read Aristotle, Cicero, Avicenna, and did call the Neoteriques shitt-breeches.
Draw nigh to God, and He will draw nigh to you. Keep near to the fountain-head and with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation.
I have often found a small stream at its fountain-head, that, when followed up, carried away the camel with his load.
Christ is like a river in another respect. A river is continually flowing, there are fresh supplies of water coming from the fountain-head continually, so that a man may live by it, and be supplied with water all his life. So Christ is an ever-flowing fountain; he is continually supplying his people, and the fountain is not spent. They who live upon Christ, may have fresh supplies from him to all eternity; they may have an increase of blessedness that is new, and new still, and which never will come to an end.
The precepts of philosophy and of the Hebrew code, laid hold of actions only. (Jesus) pushed his scrutinies into the heart of man, erected his tribunal in the regions of his thoughts, and purified the waters at the fountain head.
or simply: