Love is like an hourglass, with the heart filling up as the brain empties.
Time, like a preacher in the days of the Puritans, turned the hour-glass on his high pulpit, the church belfry.
It's a good thing to turn your mind upside down now and then, like an hour-glass, to let the particles run the other way.
And what is Life? - An hour-glass on the run
Tis visible silence, still as the hour-glass.
After claws and feathers, he took skin and bone, shaped it like an hour glass and made the angels moan.
An hour-glass is a reminder not only of time's quick flight, but also of the dust to which we must at last return
His head was an hour-glass; it could stow an idea, but it had to do it a grain at a time, not the whole idea at once.
Perhaps life is like an hour glass, with dear ones the sand that slips from the upper glass--the earth--into the second--eternity.
The first class of readers may be compared to an hour-glass, their reading being as the sand; it runs in and runs out, and leaves not a vestige behind. A second class resembles a sponge, which imbibes everything, and returns it in nearly the same state, only a little dirtier. A third class is like a jelly-bag, which allows all that is pure to pass away, and retains only the refuse and dregs. The fourth class may be compared to the slave of Golconda, who, casting aside all that is worthless, preserves only the pure gems.
How absolute and omnipotent is the silence of night! And yet the stillness seems almost audible! From all the measureless depths of air around us comes a half-sound, a half-whisper, as if we could hear the crumbling and falling away of earth and all created things, in the great miracle of nature, decay and reproduction, ever beginning, never ending,--the gradual lapse and running of the sand in the great hour-glass of Time.
If I'm not at my desk by 4 AM, I feel like I'm missing my most productive hours. In addition to starting early, I keep an antique hour glass on my desk and every hour break briefly to do pushups, sit-ups, and some quick stretches. I find this helps keep the blood (and ideas) flowing.
You possess a non-renewable resource, which is headed toward total depletion and that resource is time. You can either invest your life or let it dribble through your fingers like sand in an hour glass. If there is ever a time to redeem every second, every minute it is now. You may never have tomorrow. You can't count your days, but with the Lord as your Savior you can make your days count.
or simply: