To me, job titles don't matter. Everyone is in sales. It's the only way we stay in business.
Leadership is no longer about your position. It's now more about your passion for excellence and making a difference You can lead without a title
Making a living and having a life are not the same thing. Making a living and making a life that's worthwhile are not the same thing. Living the good life and living a good life are not the same thing. A job title doesn't even come close to answering the question. "What do you do?".
If you need to invoke your academic pedigree or job title for people to believe what you say, then you need a better argument.
We're more than just our job titles or our list of professional accomplishments.
What we really have to do is stop the adjective before the job title — whether it's 'black actor,' a 'gay actor' or 'anything actor,' Everybody thinks that equality comes from identifying people, and that's not where equality comes from. Equality comes from treating everybody the same regardless of who they are. I hope the media and the press catches on to that because it's time to move out of 1992.
When you change your focus to your purpose, you stop worrying about how much money you're going to make and your job title because those things to some degree are irrelevant if you don't love your work.
These days we seem more bound to our bosses than ever before. We even identify our own selves with the jobs we do: "What do you do?" is the first question we ask each other at parties, as if a job title could express a fundamental truth about our personality.
Distinguish between the work and the job title. When I was leaving school in the early 1970s, many people wanted to be journalists, carrying out investigative reporting for print newspapers. Print newspapers may not exist in twenty years. But good thinking and good writing about issues that need to be reported and investigated will always be needed; but where this happens, what it is called, and who pays for it may be quite different than could have been envisioned by the great journalists of the past.
Love is your job description - no matter what you do for a living. If you ever feel unsure of what you're supposed to do in a situation, here's a good rule of thumb: always do what leads to greater love.
Entrepreneur is not a job title. It is a state of mind of people who want to alter the future.
Nothing makes my buttocks clench tighter and my teeth itch more than 'Full Time Mummy'. Full time mummy is not a job title. It is a biological status.
A team is not a bunch of people with job titles, but a congregation of individuals, each of whom has a role that is understood by other members.
Los Angeles people are incapable of passively mainlining TV and movies. Here you have to read who produced or directed every episode, who wrote it, who had guests shots and whether you know them personally and if they like you. You have to figure out who everybody's agent is and whether yours is better. You not only know but deeply care about the difference between such job titles as Producer, Supervising Producer, and Executive Story Editor. ... So while the rest of the country is lying stupid in a media-induced coma, people in L.A. are in constant withdrawal.
A solid process lays the foundation for a healthy culture, one where ideas are evaluated by merit and not by job title.
I get called all kinds of things - an investigative comedian, a comedian activist - I've lost track of what my job title is.
Always define WHAT you want to do with your life and WHAT you have to offer to the world, in terms of your favorite talents/gifts/skills-not in terms of a job-title.
The one guiding principle over my 23-year career in TV has been as long as I'm having fun, I really don't care what the job title is.
Being an entrepreneur isn’t just a job title, and it isn’t just about starting a company. It’s a state of mind. It’s about seeing connections others can’t, seizing opportunities others won’t, and forging new directions that others haven’t.
or simply: