Live fast. Die young. Be wild. Have fun.
Live fast, die young, leave a good looking corpse.
Live fast, fight hard, no regrets!
If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough.
Live fast, have fun, be a bit mischievous.
My Pa always said, Live fast, die laughing, thats the way to do it.
Live Fast, Love Hard, DieYoung (And Leave A Beautiful Memory).
I want to live fast and die young.
When you're 18, 19, you want to live fast and leave a beautiful corpse behind.
People see me, and they see the suit, and they go: "you're not fooling anyone", they know I'm rock and roll through and through. But you know that old thing, live fast, die young? Not my way. Live fast, sure, live too bloody fast sometimes, but die young? Die old. That's the way- not orthodox, I don't live by "the rules" you know.
Animals are happier than humans because they're like furry little existentialists, all living in the moment. Their collective motto: live fast, die young, and leave a good-looking pelt.
Live fast, die young.
or simply: