In the business world, the rearview mirror is always clearer than the windshield.
We look at the present through a rear view mirror. We march backwards into the future.
We drive into the future using only our rearview mirror.
See, when you drive home today, you've got a big windshield on the front of your car. And you've got a little bitty rearview mirror. And the reason the windshield is so large and the rearview mirror is so small is because what's happened in your past is not near as important as what's in your future.
Can I tell you how strange it is to look in your rearview mirror and see guys in cars tailing you?
I love driving, but sometimes, I'm not too good at it because I spend too much time looking in the rearview mirror if I know I'm being followed. You don't respond like, 'Oh, there's paparazzi.' It's more like, 'There's a man, and he's going to attack me.' That's how your body responds.
The best car safety device is a rear-view mirror with a cop in it.
My career means, if you're a non-Indian writing about Indians, at least there's one Indian in your rearview mirror.
Given the slow pace of Washington's bureaucracy, policymakers are often busy solving yesterday's problems. This rearview mirror approach afflicts Mr. Obama and his Democratic allies in Congress.
When you're a regular gal, you look in the rearview mirror, and in the bright daylight you see that line around your mouth, but when you're an actress and you see that line up on the big screen, it's, like, seven feet long.
The past went that-a-way. When faced with a totally new situation, we tend always to attach ourselves to the objects, to the flavor of the most recent past. We look at the present through a rear view mirror. We march backwards into the future.
If life is just a highway, then the soul is just a car. And objects in the rear view mirror may appear closer than they are.
Marshall McLuhan is absolutely right, we are always looking in the rear view mirror.
The hood ornament on your car is for telling you where you're going. The rear-view-mirror is for showing you how good you look while you're getting there.
You can't change t he wor ld f rom t he rear view mir ror.
I'm paranoid. On my stationary bike, I have a rear view mirror.
Most people suffer from the self limiting dysfunction "rear-view mirror syndrome" driving through life with their subconscious mind constantly looking in their own self-limiting rear-view mirror. They filter every choice they make through the limitations of their past experiences. Always remember that your potential is TRULY unlimited, and that you are just as worthy, deserving, and capable of achieving everything you want as any other person on earth.
Bicycling unites physical harmony coupled with emotional bliss to create a sense of spiritual perfection that combines one's body, mind and spirit into a single moving entity. Bicycling allows a person to mesh with the sun, sky and road as if nothing else mattered in the world. In fact, all your worries, cares and troubles vanish in the rear view mirror while you bicycle along the byways of the world: you pedal as one with the universe.
Anything that's popular is a rear-view image.
You can drive a car by looking in the rear view mirror as long as nothing is ahead of you. Not enough software professionals are engaged in forward thinking.
or simply: