The only thing better than singing is more singing.
Music expresses that which cannot be put into words.
Music was my refuge. I could crawl into the space between the notes and curl my back to loneliness.
Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent.
After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.
Bright gem instinct with music, vocal spark.
The total person sings not just the vocal chords.
When I'm alone at home, I really prefer to listen to Wagner's orchestral music rather than any vocal music. I find it illuminating not to have to pay attention to voices in the recordings.
It is agreed that all sound which is the material of music is of three sorts. First is harmonica, which consists of vocal music; second is organica, which is formed from the breath; third is rhythmica, which receives its numbers from the beat of the fingers. For sound is produced either by the voice, coming through the throat; or by the breath, coming through the trumpet or tibia, for example; or by touch, as in the case of the cithara or anything else that gives a tuneful sound on being struck.
People used to think of vocal music as boring choir stuff, once you figured out that you can do crazy beat-boxing, awesome bass lines (and) throw everything together, you just have really cool music.
I actually studied Indian classical vocal music.
I write a lot of more instrumental music than I do vocal music. It's because I come out of a background of playing piano and then playing sax for a number of years. I kind of got into rock backwards. A lot of guys go into rock and then get sick of it and then go into something else. I came the other way, so I've always just had a lot more stuff lying around.
Vocal music is an attempt to take the whole human being and project it into space. It is the ultimate gesture of getting out of yourself. You take a part of you that is most private, most personal, most inward and you hurl it out into space - you project it as far as you can. That gesture of opining this whole region of the body results in an enormous spiritual release, and is felt by other people with tremendous impact.
I love vocal music, but I've had a hard time understanding myself through the English language. So it just seemed to me that if I relied solely on creating a voice out of the music, then I might be able to reach something more profound.
or simply: