The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.
- Philosophy
- Art
- Significance
- Art Is
- Inward
- Aim
- Creativity
- Appearance
- Philosophical
- Outward Appearance
- Acting
- Great Art
- Best Art
- Fine Arts
- Artist
- Famous Artist
- Artistic
- Great Artist
- Best Artist
- Creative Art
- Art And Creativity
- Art Expression
- Artistic Process
- Creative Expression
- Nature And Art
- Art World
- Art And Artists
- Art Galleries
- Fine Artists
- Art Therapy
- Art Teacher
- Art History
- Music Artist
- Woman Artist
- Creative Life
- Physical Appearance
- Creating Art
- Outward Beauty
- Public Art
- Bashfulness
- Conceptual Art
- Creative Spirit
- Artists And Creativity
- Artists And Life
- Inspiration And Art
- Inspirational Art
- Inspiring Art
- Inspirational Artist
- Inspiring Artist
- Greek Philosopher
- Wise Man Once Said
- Representation
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