He who has gone, so we but cherish his memory, abides with us, more potent, nay, more present than the living man.
- Death
- Sympathy
- Missing You
- Funerals And Death
- Death Memorial
- Comfort Loss
- Death Condolences
- Sympathy For Loss
- Life And Death
- Sympathy Messages
- Mourning Death
- Inspirational Sympathy
- Grief And Loss Inspirational
- My Sympathy
- Death And Loss
- Famous Condolence
- Condolence Message
- Our Condolences
- Inspirational Death
- Death Grief
- Funeral Condolences
- Words Of Condolence
- Death Of A Friend
- Sympathy Condolences
- Cherish
- Loss Of A Friend
- Death And Mourning
- Bereavement
- Comforting Death
- Grief Comfort
- Eulogy
- Death Comfort
- Deceased
- Funeral Sympathy
- Mourning A Loss
- Those Who Have Died
- Condolences And Sympathy
- Death Mourning
- Inspirational Condolences
- Death Remembrance
- Mourning Loss
- My Condolences
- Inspirational Bereavement
- Death Sympathy
- Short Death
- Sympathy Card
- Inspirational Mourning
- Condolences
- Cherish The Memories
- Someone Dying
- Words Of Sympathy
- Men
- Love And Death
- Memories
- Grieving
- Rip
- Gone
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