Far too many people opened their hearts and lives at the drop of a hat. Why give someone that power over you? Why endow them with the ability to hurt you that much? Let someone in and you were asking for an emotional kicking some day.
It's the ones you love the most who can lift you in an instant, and destroy you without trying.
But feelings aren't like thoughts, they can't be changed at will.
I'd spent so long trying to fit in,trying to be someone i wasn't,that i had no idea who i was any more.
He just hijacks me. I love him. And I won't be able to give anyone a real chance until that's over.
The only thing for it is to use men for sex and never let any of them get so close they could hurt you.
Evil grows when good people do and say nothing.
To know other people thought he'd made a mistake vindicated me. I wasn't a bad girlfriend, he was simply going through a period of temporary insanity and he'd come to his senses soon.
I think what love is changes over time, as you grow older, learn more, do more.
Always regret the things you did do, never the things you didn't.
That's what came from having romance in your soul. You believe in things like love at first sight and perfect presents.
Love is a two-way street.
When you can't be honest with people, you can't ever relax with them.
When you love someone, them being hurt is worse than any pain that you could suffer.
I never trusted any man not to find someone else; to stay with me if he had another option. to not find something in me that would have him heading for the hills. that was the other reason for not thinking long-term- when someone walked out, as they invairiably did, it wasn't too big a shock. a disappointment but nothing, I hadn't been expecting.
If we're going to change the world for the better, kids need to know that they can by feeling good about who they are and helping others.
I don't want to rely on something that could be taken away at some point.
He seems to have become a part of my life and I'm disappointed if I don't see him. If I get to the end of the day without seeing someone who reminds me of him, I feel as if a dull shadow has fallen over me.
I would rather have nothing than something that was only alright.
I was in charge. Of it all. All the time. For ever.
She believed that owning a lots of things made you a better person. She didn't know - possibly didn't want to know - that happiness comes from the inside.
I want him to know I love him. I want him to feel that we both tried, but this was way too big for us: we aren't going to survive this. Even if I hadn't done what I did with Mal, almost all the strings of our marriage have been severed; waiting together to say goodbye is the last one. Once it has been cut, only love will remain. And it takes more than love--no matter how fervent, deep and passionate--to keep two people together.
Crying was an acceptable outlet, even if it made you feel raw and empty inside, it was still better than that build up of resentment that grew from not letting your emotions out. - My Bestfriend's Girl -
Old pain doesn't completely die. Time may soothe it, stoke over it until it looks like it has healed, but it never dies properly. It stays with you, it lives in the cracks of your soul, waiting for moments when you feel true pain
My belief in God is personal, I do not need to browbeat anyone into agreeing with me, because I believe what I believe and I try to live by it. My belief in God is about trying to be the best person I can be in this life.
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