He has not lived badly whose birth and death has been unnoticed by the world.
Nos numeros sumus et fruges consumere nati. We are but ciphers, born to consume earth's fruits.
A dowried wife, friends, beauty, birth, fair fame, These are the gifts of money, heavenly dame: Be but a moneyed man, persuasion tips Your tongue, and Venus settles on your lips.
Luck cannot change birth.
All powerful money gives birth and beauty. [Lat., Et genus et formam regina pecunia donat.]
Though you strut proud of your money, yet fortune has not changed your birth. [Lat., Licet superbus ambules pecuniae, Fortuna non mutat genus.]
The mountains are in labour, the birth will be an absurd little mouse.
Our parents, worse than our grandparents, gave birth to us who are worse than they, and we shall in our turn bear offspring still more evil.
Joys do not fall to the rich alone; nor has he lived ill of whose birth and death no one took note.
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