When tyranny becomes law, rebellion is a right.
A people that loves freedom will in the end be free.
The art of victory is learned in defeat.
An ignorant people is the blind instrument of its own destruction.
Nations will march towards the apex of their greatness at the same pace as their education. Nations will soar if their education soars; they will regress if it regresses. Nations will fall and sink in darkness if education is corrupted or completely abandoned
Flee the country where a lone man holds all power: It is a nation of slaves.
To do something right it must be done twice. The first time instructs the second.
In the unity of our nations rests the glorious future of our peoples.
The continuation of authority has frequently proved the undoing of democratic governments. Repeated elections are essential to the system of popular governments, because there is nothing so dangerous as to suffer power to be vested for a long time in one citizen. The people become accustomed to obeying him, and he becomes accustomed to commanding, hence the origin of usurpation and tyranny.
It is harder to maintain the balance of freedom than it is to endure the weight of tyranny.
The United States appear to be destined by Providence to plague America with misery in the name of liberty.
God grants victory to perseverance.
Do not compare your material forces with those of the enemy. Spirit cannot be compared with matter. You are human beings, they are beasts. You are free, they are slaves.
The Ignorance the people live in leads them to commit mistakes against their own happiness
The first duty of a government is to give education to the people.
The freedom of the New World is the hope of the Universe.
Colombians! My last wish is for the happiness of the patria. If my death contributes to the end of partisanship and the consolidation of the union, I shall be lowered in peace into my grave.
It is harder to release a nation from servitude than to enslave a free nation.
A state too expensive in itself, or by virtue of its dependencies, ultimately falls into decay; its free government is transformed into a tyranny; it disregards the principles which it should preserve, and finally degenerates into despotism. The distinguishing characteristic of small republics is stability: the character of large republics is mutability.
If Nature is against us, we shall fight Nature and make it obey.
He who serves a revolution ploughs a sea.
Our hatred knows no bounds, and the war shall be to the death.
Slavery is the offspring of darkness.
Morals and lights are our first necessities.
Out of the most secure things, the most secure is to doubt.
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