The reason I think I'm a good pitcher is I locate my fastball and I change speeds. Period. That's what you do to pitch. That's what pitchers have to do to win games
The best pitchers have a short term memory and a bullet proof confidence.
I could probably throw harder if I wanted, but why? When they're in a jam, a lot of pitchers...try to throw harder. Me, I try to locate better.
If you are content with yourself, you'll stop taking those little steps forward and begin taking big steps backward.
The key to pitching is to have the ability to throw a strike when they're taking and throw a ball when the hitter is swinging.
I try to do two things: locate my fastball and change speeds. That's it. I try to keep as simple as possible. I just throw my fastball (to) both sides of the plate and change speed every now and then. There is no special food or anything like that, I just try to make quality pitches and try to be prepared each time I go out there.
Consistency is something you can always improve on. You can be more consistent with your mental approach, the things you do physically on the mound. Instead of doing 5 good pitches an inning, try to make six. You can always do more of what you are doing well and try to be as consistent as you can be.
What has benefited me the most is learning I can't control what happens outside of my pitching.
People judge too much by results. I'm just the opposite. I care about more than results. I'd rather make a good pitch and give up a bloop single than make a bad pitch and get an out.
I'd rather try and not win than not try at all
When people say (nice) things you take them as compliments and it's nice, but it won't help you win your next game. The thing I am trying to keep in mind is that relying on my past performance will not make me win my next game, it'll only get in my way.
You're not going to win by automatically going out there. It's hard to know what people really expect of you, and I've never tried to live up to expectations anyway. That's no way to play baseball.
I daydream just like everybody else. I just do it with my body facing the field, so everybody thinks I'm paying attention.
Oh, poor me (jokingly, after being told that Randy Johnson & Pedro Martinez would make more in 2003 than he would). What do I do now? I guess I'll have to get a second job.
Regardless of where you're pitching, regardless of what goes on before or after your game, you still have to be ready.
I don't care if we're out of it or not, if I've got a chance to pitch, I want to.
I only know one way to pitch. I really do.
There are a lot of shots in golf I can't hit, but I try to hit them anyway. The frustration is not there, because I'm still learning. But I really know how to do this. I'm not just hoping to get it where I want it... Let the other guys do it half-assed.
I would love to try to win another game. Obviously, it's more fun when you win. I'd rather try and not win than not try at all.
I was under the impression I had signed a three-year contract. I want to be back. I expect to be back. I will be back.
I look forward to another good year next year. It would be nice to win, too.
My stuff was all right, but it's not about pitching good. It's about winning. I pitched just good enough to lose.
The dirt was OK, but once you hit the grass... Wet grass is slippery
I don't believe for one second that the eye surgery has helped me on the mound
I take golf trips with my brother or with friends. We usually go to Pebble or Bandon Dunes. One year we went to Hawaii.
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