Welcome to Israel, where the beaches are great, the fruit is succulent, the landscape is mesmerizing, and all of it is stolen.
No matter how Palestinians resist, they are shot, beaten, arrested, tortured, bombed, segregated, and collectively punished. The problem isn't the mode of Palestinian resistance, it is the existence of Palestinians on their land that Israel takes issue with.
We should be less concerned about hurting the feelings of the oppressors and more concerned about standing in solidarity with the oppressed.
Welcome to Israel, where chanting “Death to Arabs” is democracy, running over children is equality, and firing on funerals is peace.
When I need journalistic honesty, I have to turn to Al Jazeera, why is that? One cannot even deny the Holocaust in Europe, question 9/11 in America (unless you want the Ward Churchill treatment), but the West claims they're all about free speech.
Palestinians are not victims in need of aid, they are an occupied & oppressed people in need of freedom.
I don't want to coexist. I want to exist as a human being. And justice will take care of the rest.
Gay People can’t do this. Women shouldn’t be able to that. But touch my semiautomatic rifle and you’re attacking my rights.
Jews and Muslims 'dialoguing' has nothing to do with Palestine. The problem is settler colonialism, apartheid and occupation, not religion.
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