A lot of people don't realize that depression is an illness. I don't wish it on anyone, but if they would know how it feels, I swear they would think twice before they just shrug it.
You laugh at me because I'm different, I laugh at you because you're all the same.
I don't care what people think or say about me, I know who I am.
When I listen to music, I don't want to hear about flowers. I like death and destruction.
Be yourself, let you come through.
Real friends stab you in the front.
I'm a human being and every human being has problems.
I think if two people love each other, they should be able to get married. That's pretty much simple.
Our fans make the band. What they give we give right back. They're an integral part of us. They ARE us.
We're not trying to change the world; just music.
I don't like painting flowers in my music. I like painting guts and pain.
If you feel inside you are a woman, be a woman - no one can take that away from you, man. No one can make that feeling go away. If that's what you need to do to be complete, then no one has the right to tell you you can't do that.
I'm a big rock star, I got a beautiful girl, and they still call me a fag. Its' like high school never ends - the jocks are always on top.
I got problems. I freak out, go to a shrink, go through all kinds of therapy and stuff, but I'm learning how to deal with it. That's why I've chosen one hour a night to get all of my aggressions out. to really tell the world the way I feel.
The kids out there want something they can relate to, something that's real; most of that whiny stuff isn't real. The cheesy pop songs just bore me to death.
I feel like Barack Obama's an Illuminati puppet. He's basically dragged this country down into the worst it's ever been. Like I say about the White House, 'You've built this house of shame'. Everybody looked up at the White House and America and now I think it's like a house of shame. I miss the old days when people were proud to be American.
I don't know the true meaning of happiness.
I've been on Prozac for 12 years and I'm off it now. I know what it feels like to be excited and sad again. I haven't felt like this in 12 years; I'm like a giddy little kid.
Sometimes I go out disguised, but people still recognize me, so I find there is no point in even trying. It would be nice to get away from it, from time to time, but the fact is, there is no place on earth where I can go unrecognized.
Some people are desperately looking for scapegoats, they just don't want to see the truth!
The music industry can make you feel like a prostitute.
I feel like I'm waving the flag for musicianship, trying to bring back bands that can play.
People die from typewriters falling on their heads.
The fans have been really incredible everywhere we've been. You want to make sure you put on the best concert of your life to show them how appreciative you are.
I want to hold a CD I didn't burn. I hate burnt CDs.
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