You are more powerful than you know; you are beautiful just as you are.
Be strong, believe in who you are; be strong, believe in what you feel.
Don't let anyone tell you that you have to be a certain way. Be unique. Be what you feel.
Don't let people who live in fear and hate govern how you live.
Instead of taking five or six of the prescriptions, I decided to go a natural route and smoke marijuana.
There is no fear when you choose love. The more you choose love, the more love is in your life. It gets easier and easier.
Gay people are born everyday. You will never legislate that away.
We are getting older, and we are getting wiser, and we are getting freer. And when you get the wisdom and the truth, then you get the freedom and you get power, and then look out. Look out.
Mothers, tell your children: be quick, you must be strong. Life is full of wonder, love is never wrong. Remember how they taught you, how much of it was fear. Refuse to hand it down - the legacy stops here.
The sweetness is in having success with something you truly believe in.
I feel my heart break to see a nation ripped apart by it's own greatest strength - it's diversity.
Believe in yourself and what you feel. Your power will come from that.
Everybody's got a hunger no matter where they are. Everybody clings to their own fear. Everybody hides some scar - Precious pain. Empty and cold but it keeps me alive. I gave it my soul so that I could survive - keeping me safe in these chains.
There's a point when your tape of life runs off the reel and there's this stillness of your own - I got to know myself.
We have a choice every day between fear and love.
I kind of thought when I was 30 that you're as good as your going to get. And that's not true.
Life is full of wonder, love is never wrong.
Once I overcame breast cancer, I wasn't afraid of anything anymore.
Life happens, and I write about it wherever I am.
Cancer Is an opportunity to sit down and look into yourself and find the answers. Yes, it's serious, but it's not the end-all.
Realizing I was gay was a long sort of waking up.
The only thing that stays the same is change.
My belief is that cancer comes from inside you and so much of it has to do with the environment of your body. It's the stress that will turn that gene on or not.
There will always be someone else with a different view than you. I appreciate them and would never say that they are wrong. I hope that they would give me that courtesy also.
What people don't get is that hair is such a big part of our identity.
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