When we get ashes we are not publicly proclaiming our greatness, but God’s. We are not saying, 'look at how great I am,' but 'ask me about how great my God is!'
To love someone properly probably means that you won’t be very popular. Pure love, loving the way it was intended, is unfortunately a foreign concept to many. Love is messy. Love will involve hardship, demand patience, require forgiveness, test maturity, strain friendship, challenge priorities, refine character, ignite the heart and unleash the soul. Love is not something you sing about, it’s the reason you sing. Love is not something you write about, it’s the reason you write. Love is not something you live to find, it’s the reason that you are alive.
If you want to love God better, hate sin more.
God will put someone in your path today who doesn't necessarily need you... but who desperately needs Christ in you.
If you really want to change someone's life today, don't just pray for them... pray with them.
The Church needs more people willing to wash feet, not just point out they're dirty or complain that they smell.
We can't understand our calling and our vocation until we listen to the Lord... until we look upon the Lord... until we realize who it is that we're really serving. Are we serving God? Or the world?
Giving God permission to make you a saint will ruin your life.
God made saints out of far worse people than you.
Stress will either drive you crazy or drive you to your knees. It depends on who is in control of your life.
You don't become a saint by comparing yourself to a sinner.
Authentic Christianity is a roller-coaster ride, not a merry-go-round.
God has great plans for you today... creative and unexpected means by which He will make you a saint. He needs only your joyful submission to His plan.
The amount of "followers" you have does not make you better than anyone else. Hitler had millions. Jesus had twelve.
Note to self: If you can't hear God when you pray, shut up.
Your faith is measured by how well you love those who can't stand you.
The man who built the manger had a purpose in mind... God had another. You'll never know how far reaching God's plan is for your work.
God didn't give Adam and Eve the right to decide what was good and evil. He gave them the right to choose between good and evil.
Consider God's love for you. Now double it. Now multiply that by 900 trillion. You're still not even close.
True holiness is not achieved by what we do, but what we allow God to do in us.
Don't make Christ ride shotgun.
An annoyed and joyless Christian is the devil's greatest billboard.
The commandments are a gift, not a curse. Sin is less about breaking the rules and more about breaking the Father's heart.
The atheist barista (who's obsessed with astrology) asked me, "So what's your sign?" I responded, "The sign of the cross." I think she spit in my coffee.
If the heart is hardened, the intellect is darkened.
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