People are so constituted that everybody would rather undertake what they see others do, whether they have an aptitude for it or not.
The most original of authors are not so because they advance what is new, but more because they know how to say something, as if it had never been said before.
People are always talking about originality; but what do they mean? As soon as we are born, the world begins to work upon us; and this goes on to the end. And after all, what can we call our own, except energy, strength, and will? If I could give an account of all that I owe to great predecessors and contemporaries, there would be but a small balance in my favor.
People are always talking about originality, but what do they mean? As soon as we are born, the world begins to work upon us, and this goes on to the end.
The mark of highest originality lies in the ability to develop a familiar idea so fruitfully that it would seem no one else would ever have discovered so much to be hidden in it.
The most foolish of all errors is for clever young men to believe that they forfeit their originality in recognizing a truth which has already been recognized by others.
Originality provokes originality.
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