In life, winning and losing will both happen. What is never acceptable is quitting.
Talent is never enough. With few exceptions the best players are the hardest workers.
You're the only one who can make the difference. Whatever your dream is, go for it.
I grew up poor, but I didn't have poor dreams
I'm a big believer in dreaming. If you don't dream it, you can't become it.
All kids need is a little help, a little hope and somebody who believes in them.
WE all have to play as a team to make the world a better place
When you are a successful business person, you are only as good as your team. No one can do every deal alone.
For me, it always goes back to something I learned in basketball. There's winning and there's losing, and in life you have to know they both will happen. But what's never been acceptable to me is quitting.
You don't have to be Magic to be special. You're already special, you're you.
I motivate others by making sure that they understand to go after their dreams and dont let anyone tell you you cant. If you are motivated enough and put the work in that you can achieve anything in life that you set your mind to.
Just celebrate the life you had, not the life you could've had.
Life doesnt stop because something happens to you.
I think you just have to keep knocking down doors, you have to keep being aggressive, and even if somebody says 'No', then you have to knock on the next door.
Don't give up! Be friends with people who help you work hard.
Assists is what Earvin is all about. That's what my whole life has been, assisting others.
When I'm under the gun and I've got pressure on me, I don't panic. I look for the right solution, and then I go for it.
If you want to be successful, you have to be willing to use every connection you’ve got.
Even when I went to the playground, I never picked the best players. I picked guys with less talent, but who were willing to work hard and had the desire to be great.
If somebody says no to you, or if you get cut, Michael Jordan was cut his first year, but he came back and he was the best ever. That is what you have to have. The attitude that I'm going to show everybody, I'm going to work hard to get better and better.
When you face a crisis, you know who your true friends are.
HIV changed my life, but it doesn't keep me from living.
If people around you aren't going anywhere, if their dreams are no bigger than hanging out on the corner, or if they're dragging you down, get rid of them.
Everybody on a championship team doesn't get publicity, but everyone can say he's a champion.
If you want someone to be your mentor, you better be ready to listen and be humbled.
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