When people succeed, it is because of hard work. Luck has nothing to do with success.
Even if there was a hand, it was the hand of God.
My mother thinks I am the best. And I was raised to always believe what my mother tells me
When you win, you don't get carried away. But if you go step by step, with confidence, you can go far.
To see the ball, to run after it, makes me the happiest man in the world
I am Maradona, who makes goals, who makes mistakes. I can take it all, I have shoulders big enough to fight with everybody.
I am black or white, I'll never be grey in my life.
The goal was scored a little bit by the hand of God, another bit by the head of Maradona.
Messi scores a goal and celebrates. Cristiano scores a goal and poses like he's in a shampoo commercial.
When God decides its time, I guess he'll come for us.
The Lord helps those who help themselves.
Money is not a motivating factor. I do what comes to me at that moment.
I'm alive and I want to keep living.
I was, I am and I always will be a drug addict. A person who gets involved in drugs has to fight it everyday.
I've seen the player who will inherit my place in Argentinian football and his name is Messi... He's a leader and is offering classes in beautiful football.
All the people that criticised me should eat their words.
What I love most about Norway is you ladies. Back home I'm used to fat and hairy women journalists.
If I could apologise and go back and change history I would do. But the goal is still a goal, Argentina became world champions and I was the best player in the world
I was waiting for my teammates to embrace me and no one came, ... I told them, 'Come hug me or the referee isn't going to allow it.'
When I wear the national team shirt, its sole contact with my skin makes it stand on an end.
Everybody in Argentina can remember the hand of God in the England match in the 1986 World Cup. Now, in my country, the hand of God has brought us an Argentinian pope.
Things are neither clear nor clean in the world of football right now and many people recognise this reality.
My legitimate kids are Dalma and Giannina. The rest are a product of my money and mistakes.
There would be no debate about who was the best footballer the world had ever seen - me or Pele. Everyone would say me.
God makes me play well. That is why I always make the sign of the cross when I walk out onto the field. I feel I would be betraying Him if I didn't.
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