Cartooning is an honorable thing
Do the story in the way it really demands to be done, which may mean using several different styles or only one style; but it's still about respecting the story
To me, the technique was almost irrelevant; it was what was coming across.
To me, that's one of the things that I love about doing this stuff. One day I can work on this piece in watercolor, and then work on something else on the computer, or work on something else that's a completely different approach
I wanted to learn how to paint rather than just doing black-and-white work
So I look at a lot of stuff now that I did and some of it looks tame to me, but my interest in terms of what I want to say with it is a little different
If you're going to establish a certain level of unreality than you have to deal with it
There is a whole generation of people who are going to see movies or watch TV who don't want to work.
I didn't want to feel constrained, so I took on the Mutants
For a while I felt very alone; sort of out there in the world of comics, especially here in the States
Nothing is really media driven or committee driven, so you can actually just produce something
So there's kind of a simultaneous aspect to pushing the boundaries, and being very safe
People who can pull you in and take you on a journey, as opposed to simply adding flash. Again, that feels very clinical, and I don't respond to that the way I used to
So much of Jaws was amazing because the mind filled in what was missing.
But there's still an avenue for smaller comics and personal expression
But with comics you're reading and assimilating an image simultaneously, instead of just reading or watching the tube
One of the problems I have with a lot of movies these days is that everything is too well lit. In the world of digital creations there is a tendency to show too much
Kyle Baker's work is really funny, but it's also got a very clear vision
But I'm aware of the fact that I'm working in a commercial venue where I'm producing something that I wouldn't normally be approaching the way I'm doing it
So cartooning, for me, is an honorable thing. It's pushing the envelope. It's the truth of something through exaggeration
But if I really want to produce my own work and tell stories, then I will
I wanted to be complete, because I figured that, visually, there was an avenue to explore with painted stuff
After that I jumped, especially being in art school, to the illustrators.
I was lucky enough to be given books that weren't top sellers; books that were kind of under the radar
I still love a lot of the guys who just paint
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