A good friend can tell you what is the matter with you in a minute. He may not seem such a good friend after telling.
Opportunity comes like a snail, and once it has passed you it changes into a fleet rabbit and is gone.
Get away from the crowd when you can. Keep yourself to yourself, if only for a few hours daily.
Regret for time wasted can become a power for good in the time that remains, if we will only stop the waste and the idle, useless regretting.
Use a picture. It's worth a thousand words.
If you don't hit a newspaper reader between the eyes with your first sentence, there is no need of writing a second one.
Writing good editorials is chiefly telling the people what they think, not what you think.
The fence around a cemetery is foolish, for those inside can't come out and those outside don't want to get in.
While the fool is enjoying the little he has, I will hunt for more. The way to hunt for more is to utilize your odd moments...the man who is always killing time is really killing his own chances in life.
Time is the one thing we possess. Our success depends upon the use of our time, and its by-product, the odd moment.
Among the aimless, unsuccessful or worthless, you often hear talk about 'killing time.' The man who is always killing time is really killing his own chances in life. While the man who is destined to success is the man who makes time live by making it useful.
That Edison or Lincoln could have been Edison or Lincoln after four years of Harvard is improbable.
A newspaper is a mirror reflecting the public, a mirror more or less defective, but still a mirror.
Every minute that you save by making it useful, more profitable, is so much added to your life and its possibilities. Every minute lost is a neglected by-product - once gone, you will never get it back.
The commonest form, one of the most often neglected, and the safest opportunity for the average man to seize, is hard work.
[St. Patrick] was a terror to any snake that came in his path, whether it was the cold, slimy reptile sliding along the ground or the more dangerous snake that oppresses men through false teachings. And he drove the snakes out of the minds of men, snakes of superstition and brutality and cruelty.
The leading characteristic of the savage state is its refusal or avoidance of industry.
Hang your idea on a peg that all can read.
Wine is the most noble and beneficial of alcoholic drinks. Wine is for the sedentary whose work is thinking. Natural wines have been used without drunkenness by the millions of human beings for ages. They supply with iron, tannin and vitamins.
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