You must swear never to go on the dole. Never be bored. Find something to do. And don't yawn.
I was once kissed on the lips by a giraffe, and I don't think I've ever got over it.
My mother early on taught us to respect all animals, and I mean all animals - not just cats and dogs but rats and snakes and spiders and fish and wildlife, so I really grew up believing they are just like us and just as deserving of consideration.
I don't feel like I am 66 at all. I feel more like I am 35. But I have a bus pass so it must be true.
To be a judge you don't have to know about books, you have to be skilled at picking shrapnel out of your head.
I've never felt the constraints of social acceptability.
Learn from nature. Stuff lives and stuff dies all the time, you know. Animals and birds and flowers. Trees come and go, and we come and go. Thats it. So we should all seize life and make the most of what we have while we can.
I never mind scrubbing floors, vacuuming or bending and carrying stuff. Each time I do it I think, this is instead of going to the gym.
I prefer not to eat food that has a face.
Sure, good things can go badly wrong. Nevertheless, there's always another day.
I am blessed beyond the realms of blessedness, and easily the greatest pleasure is giving it away
Death is nothing at all. I have only slipped away into the next room.
I think handbags, not so much clothes anymore, but I think you can tell a fashion victim by their handbag.
I've been given this blessing, which is my granddaughter. You're no longer just you. You suddenly fit into the chest of drawers of life.
I've looked forward to being older because you will have that many more miles covered. We mustn't be led into thinking getting old is bad. Growing old is good.
I've got lots of good friends. I could have affairs. I can read a book all night, put the cat on the end of the bed. I can pick up my passport and go to France. I don't have to ask anybody.
The Treorchy Male Choir's version of "Myfanwy" is one of the most glorious things I've ever heard in all my long life. Love and congratulations to you all.
If you're an enthusiast and you love the world like I do, it comes naturally. But I think charity must become more fun to give, more interactive and imaginative.
Hundreds of political prisoners still suffer in Tibetan prisons. Freedom of speech is not allowed in any sense. It is illegal to possess a photo of the Dalai Lama.
In Kenya you've got the great birds and monkeys leaping through the trees overhead. It's a chance to remember what the world is really like.
NASA space scientists have been studying giraffe skin so they can apply what they learn from it to the construction of spacesuits.
I am now an old lioness, if I see my young ones getting out of order, I've got to be able to say to them this is not how lions behave. This is not right.
I find it a great antidote lipstick and mirrors and hairspray.
I dont think men are that attracted by glamour. I think women are attracted by glamour. I think men are attracted by a sense of friendship.
I would do anything to keep looking the job. I think you make an extra effort if you're on show.
"I think handbags, not so much clothes anymore, but I think you can tell a fashion victim by their handbag."
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