Beauty is less important than quality.
Let me explain what I do here. I don't want to confuse you any more than absolutely necessary.
Why do you always insist on playing while I'm trying to conduct?
That's the way Stravinsky was. Bup, bup, bup, bup. The poor guy's dead now. Play it legato.
I never say what I mean, but I always manage to say something similar.
There was confusion since I stood here 35 years ago.
Write it down in your own handwriting.
I don't mean to make you nervous, but unfortunately I have to.
During the rests - pray.
We can't hear the balance yet because the soloist is still on the airplane.
I can see none of you are smugglers; that's why it's so loud.
It's all very well to have principles, but when it comes to money you have to be flexible.
Accelerando means in tempo. Don't rush.
I am thinking it right but beating it wrong.
Mahler wrote it as the third movement of his Fourth Symphony. I mean the fourth movement of his First Symphony. We play it third. The trumpet solo will be played by our solo trumpet player. It's named 'Blumine,' which has something to do with flowers.
Don't ever follow me, because I am difficult.
The notes are right, but if I listened they would be wrong.
Please follow me because I have to follow him and he isn't here.
It is not as difficult as I thought it was, but it is harder than it is.
Who is sitting in that empty chair?
I wrote it the right way, so it was copied the wrong way right. I mean the right way wrong.
Tonight I'm going to listen with my ears.
Why do you always start after my beat then rush to catch up? Do you want us to stay behind?
At every concert I've sensed a certain insecurity about the tempo. It's clearly marked 80...uh, 69.
It has no rhythm, but it will because it's so much faster.
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