When one is pretending the entire body revolts.
I was once afraid of people saying, “Who does she think she is?” Now I have the courage to stand and say, “This is who I am.
Friends can help each other. A true friend is someone who lets you have total freedom to be yourself - and especially to feel. Or, not feel. Whatever you happen to be feeling at the moment is fine with them. That's what real love amounts to - letting a person be what he really is.
Follow your inner moonlight; don't hide the madness.
People often say that this or that person has not yet found himself. But the self is not something one finds, it is something one creates.
We are so accustomed to disguise ourselves to others that in the end we become disguised to ourselves.
Being true to yourself really means being true to all the complexities of the human spirit.
Never give up. And most importantly, be true to yourself. Write from your heart, in your own voice, and about what you believe in.
It's important to be true to yourself and your vision.
You can spend your life trying to be popular, and that's a tricky business. You can just try to be true to yourself.
Believe me, I love commerce as much as the rest of the readers of 'Businessweek.' But in art, you have to be true to yourself and your musical vision. People have known me well for a long time, so if I was chasing a trend and doing something that wasn't authentic to who I am, they would know it in just a few seconds.
Don't live to please others. Don't think everyone else knows what's right or true. Listen to yourself, and be true to yourself. That way, no matter what else happens in life, you will always have your self-respect.
You must be true to yourself. Strong enough to be true to yourself. Brave enough to be strong enough to be true to yourself. Wise enough to be brave enough to be strong enough to shape yourself from what you actually are.
It's better to live one day on this planet being true to yourself than an entire lifetime which is a lie
If you are really true to yourself and really follow your intuition in the most rigorous way, there is a moment that becomes universal, that reaches everybody. That’s the real magic of Björk-she teaches us the courage to be ourselves.
Be true to yourself, and, um, don't worry about some large companies' quarterly profit index.
Vulnerability is a loaded word, and it can off-putting and terrifying to people. The best moment of my life (and by the way, this actually wasn’t a single moment) was when I realized that I no longer give a damn about what anybody thinks. What you'd talk about as vulnerability, I'd talk about as simply being true to yourself.
Being true to yourself involves showing and sharing emotion. The spirit that motivates most great storytellers is 'I want you to feel what I feel,' and the effective narrative is designed to make this happen. That's how the information is bound to the experience and rendered unforgettable.
Live your life in your own unique way and be true to yourself
There are a lot of things in this world that are more important than being popular. Being true to yourself is one of them.
Hypocrisy is bad, but it's not the worst vice in the world. If I declared “murder is wrong” and then killed somebody, I would hope that the top count against me would be homicide, not hypocrisy. Liberal elites ' particularly in Hollywood ' believe that hypocrisy is the gravest sin in the world, which is why they advocate their own lifestyles for the entire world: Sleep with whomever you want, listen to your own instincts, be true to yourself, blah, blah, blah. Our fear of hypocrisy is forcing us to live in a world where gluttons are fine, so long as they champion gluttony.
Be true to yourself- and keep things simple. People complicate things
Regardless of others' reactions, do your best to stay true to yourself. Make the choices that allow you to look in the mirror and feel good about the person gazing back at you.
Above all, in order to gain respect, you need to be true to yourself. There is no point in trying to be brutal if it's not in your nature; there is no point in trying to be suave and sophisticated if it doesn't come naturally.
Any relationships that would reject you for being true to yourself are - by definition - abusive relationships. You'll be much better off when you let them go.
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