The world knows how to straighten out a spoiled child but never makes it up to a child deprived.
To a small child, the perfect granddad is unafraid of big dogs and fierce storms but absolutely terrified of the word "boo."
The world is as many times new as there are children in our lives.
You will find that if you really try to be a father, your child will meet you halfway.
If indeed the death of a child is part of a larger plan, you wonder if God ever considered a smaller plan.
Each day, awakening, are we asked to paint the sky blue? Need we coax the sun to rise or flowers to bloom? Need we teach birds to sing, or children to laugh, or lovers to kiss? No, though we think the world imperfect, it surrounds us each day with its perfections. We are asked only to appreciate them, and to show appreciation by living in peaceful harmony amidst them. The Creator does not ask that we create a perfect world; He asks that we celebrate it.
A child seldom needs a good talking to as a good listening to.
The hardest thing about reality is returning to it after an hour inside your child's mind.
In a dark moment I ask, "How can anyone bring a child into this world?" And the answer rings clear, "Because there is no other world, and because the child has no other way into it."
To trade a childhood wonder for a plausible explanation - is there a worst trade one makes in life?
In the happiest of our childhood memories, our parents were happy, too.
I say to my child, I will explain to you as much of life as I can, but you must remember that there is a part of life for which you are the explanation.
If we would listen to our kids, we'd discover that they are largely self-explanatory.
A watched child never learns.
If you haven't time to respond to a tug at your pants leg, your schedule is too crowded.
In childhood, we press our nose to the pane, looking out. In memories of childhood, we press our nose to the pane, looking in.
I tell my child, if I seem obsessed to always know where you've been, it is because my DNA will be found at the scene.
I have fancied myself a rebel, but at every critical moment of my life, I have been exactly the child my parents raised.
It is one thing to show your child the way, and a harder thing to then stand out of it
There is an instinct in a woman to love most her own child - and an instinct to make any child who needs her love, her own.
The trouble with learning to parent on the job is that your child is the teacher.
The clash between child and adult is never as stubborn as when the child within us confronts the adult in our child.
Conspicuously absent from the Ten Commandments is any obligation of parent to child. We must suppose that God felt it unnecessary to command by law what He had ensured by love.
The advantage of growing up with siblings is that you become very good at fractions.
There is a child in every one of us who is still a trick-or-treater looking for a brightly-lit front porch.
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