I made 5,127 prototypes of my vaccum before I got it right. There were 5,126 failures. But I learned from each one. That’s how I came up with a solution. So I don’t mind failure.
Enjoy failure and learn from it. You never learn from success.
Successes teach you nothing. Failures teach you everything. Making mistakes is the most important thing you can do.
What I've learned from running is that the time to push hard is when you're hurting like crazy and you want to give up. Success is often just around the corner.
Success is made of 99% failure.
Some of the best inventive moments are born out of 'wrong thinking'. Most people start with the right way so they all follow the same path. The wrong way will lead to mistakes from which you can learn and create new discoveries-the kind of original ideas that come to life when we dare to be different, keep an open mind, and have no fear of failure.
In order to fix it, you need a passionate anger about something that doesn't work well.
Everyone gets knocked back, no one rises smoothly to the top without hindrance. The ones who succeed are those who say, right, let’s give it another go.
Life is a mountain of solvable problems and I enjoy that.
Everyone has ideas. They may be too busy or lack the confidence or technical ability to carry them out. But I want to carry them out. It is a matter of getting up and doing it.
Companies are not ingenious, it's the people in them that are.
There's nothing wrong with things taking time.
I learned that the moment you want to slow down is the moment you should accelerate.
After the idea, there is plenty of time to learn the technology
Having a good idea is one thing, but persuading other people to buy it is quite another. Good inventors are polymaths: they think with their hands and their brains. They're experts in design, engineering and business.
You need a stubborn belief in an idea in order to see it realised.
All our engineers are designers and all our designers are engineers.
Anyone developing new products and new technology needs one characteristic above all else: hope.
If you want to do something different, you’re going to come up against a lot of naysayers.
Beauty can come in strange forms.
Exactly 5,126 attempts to make the first bagless vacuum cleaner were failures-some catastrophic disappointments, some minor defects. It took 15 years. Prototype 5,127 was the success ... Failure is painful, but it spurs on improvement like nothing else.
There is no such thing as a quantum leap. There is only dogged persistence - and in the end you make it look like a quantum leap.
It's the unlikely juxtaposition of creativity and logic which causes the wooliness and confusion around the term 'innovation'. Everybody wants to be innovative; many companies and ideas are proclaimed to be innovative and no one doubts that innovation is a money spinner. And, thus, we are all looking for the magic formula. Well, here you go: Creativity + Iterative Development = Innovation.
The computer dictates how you do something, whereas with a pencil you're totally free.
An inventor's path is chorused with groans, riddled with fist-banging and punctuated by head scratches.
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