I believe you can remember the future as much as the past
Find your authentic voice, become vulnerable, and then put yourself out there.
You don't realize 'till you get here what a moment in history you're a part of.
I have a lot of survivor insticts, and I know when to quit. I know when to go forward it my life, but not everybody does.
My favorite movie is The Wizard of Oz. I love the fairy tale of it. And Gone With the Wind was always one of my favorites because it's so dramatic and stunning.
I had my dysfunctions, but music gave me peace and joy. I never felt in tune with the world. My parents always saw me as an artist, and that greatly influenced me. My art was my autonomy.
Everything I'm doing now is something I did before, only it's bigger now.
Psychology Today is probably one of my favorite magazines, Guitar, Guitar World. People.
I don't mean that to be egotistical, but I'm not writing fluff. I'm not writing for 8-year-olds. I'm a woman and I'm a rock girl.
I've come up against a few challenges. I've just taken them on with a really pure energy. I'm not out to change people's minds. I'm out to maybe educate and inspire.
If we didn't live in a society that told us we're not OK if we're not making 100 grand a year, I think we'd all be a lot happier.
Mackie is an electronics recording company backing me, and they're willing to invest giving equipment to schools that I choose, and they've already started doing that.
It's just that only now are women coming around, and when someone as striking as Alanis or Sheryl Crow comes out, the public just needs something to compare it to.
My favorite color is purple. I have a huge velvet purple comforter on my bed.
I've started a project called Planet Art. The purpose will be to remind people where I really believe we came from, which was a creative planet, and that everybody can be autonomous through their art.
When I lived in Seattle and Oregon, we partied, which is a large reason I don't know drugs or alcohol now because I saw the Destruction of so many great musicians and artists.
I think if you're doing alcohol and drugs, the chances of you surviving this kind of a pace are next to nothing. I live an extremely healthy life.
Everything I read about me is what I say. The way I've come across is exactly who I am. So far, they haven't skewed it to be one way or another too much.
When I was a kid in Eugene, Oregon, there was this fantastic guitar player who went out on the tables, chairs, out in the audience and played. So I started taking my guitar in the audience. I tripped, fell backwards and ripped my pants.
I like my lyrics to feel conversational and truthful, as if we're having real talk. I don't really like generic lyrics.
If a person ever came to me as a fan and tried to go out on a date, I wouldn't. I've had enough kind of crazy experiences in that department.
I think we're heading into the Creative Age. We've passed through the Agricultural and then the Industrial and then the Information Age.
Whatever it is that you love to do, be it collect comic books or play the guitar, that you can make a living at it, do it.
My eyes change colors, which is why you guys have never been able to figure it out.
I want to break the old paradigm of thinking that if you're successful, you have to crash and burn-that all of this won't be there tomorrow.
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