I love the idea that magic and witchcraft and battles between supernatural creatures could be raging all around us but just out of our sight.
We live in an age when there is no room for the impossible.
Childhood, after all, is the first precious coin that poverty steals from a child.
All that sadness. All that anger. It is the smoke that gets into your eyes. If you do not blow it away, how can you hope to see?
You're never too young to die.
There's a dream world that we visit sometimes and that's how we found out who we are.
A German philosopher once wrote that he who fights monsters must take care that he doesn't become one himself.
When the doorbell rings at three in the morning, it's never good news.
You can kiss me if you like," she said. Alex let go of her and turned away. "Thanks, Fiona," he said. "But frankly I'd prefer to kiss the horse.
My perfect reader doesn't just read - he or she devours books.
"I think my reputation will look after itself," Holmes said. "If they hang me, Watson, I shall leave it to you to persuade your readers that the whole thing was a misunderstanding."
Inside every fat man, there's a thin man trying to get out.
You cannot defeat your enemies until you know who they are.
When you are rich, people treat you with respect.
Statues lined the stairs and stood, dotted across the roof. But they had been brutalized by time and the weather. Some were missing arms. Many had no faces. Once they had been saints and angels. Two hundred years standing in London had turned them into cripples.
The worst time to feel alone is when you're in a crowd.
There's a name for people with an interest in the moon," Alex said. "They're called lunatics.
Routine is the one thing the can get you killed. It tells the enemy where you're going and when you're going to be there.
We live in a world with so many dangers that we have to be careful whom we trust.
I believe that, by and large, people are good and everybody you meet is more likely to surprise you in a positive way than in a negative way.
My favorite part of writing a book is thinking up the ideas, and that can start a long time before I actually sit down at my desk.
I have a couple of questions," he said. "Do, please, go ahead." "My first one is for Yassen Gregorovich." He turned to the Russian. "Why are you working for this lunatic?" "I sometimes think that I was richer when I was eight years old than most people will be in their lifetime!" "Do we have to listen to this?" Alex asked.
You're nothing if you're not special.
So it's a coincidence. Just like you said. Two rich parents with two rich kids at the same school. They're both killed in accidents. Why are you so interested?" "Because I don't like coincidence," Blunt replied. "In fact, I don't believe in coincidence. Where some people see coincidence, I see conspiracy. That's my job.
Let me ask you a question Alex. What do you think is the greatest evil on this plant today?" "Is that including, or not including you?
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