The most important things are actually the easiest to obtain: great friends, good food, and a decent bottle of wine.
Happiness can be bought with a bottle of wine and has become ambiguous through overuse.
Maybe the French will get a manned craft into space if they can get a rocket strong enough to lift a bottle of wine.
There was a point in my 40s when I went into the bathroom with a bottle of wine, locked the door, and said, 'I'm not coming out until I can totally accept the way that I look right now.'
The world needs water. For every bottle of wine you drink you contribute to conserving the drinking water reserves.
First, he says, you have to go out into the world. This is not a simple matter of going outside one's door. No, that is simply going out. That's what one does when one is on the way to the store to buy a loaf of bread, some cheese, and a bottle of wine. When one goes out into the world, one is shedding preconceptions of past paths and ideas of past paths, and trying to move freely through an unsubstantiated and new geography.
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