If I have a 12 or 14 hour workday, I am home the next. I cut out anything that is frivolous or doesn't need to be done.
~I use humor instead of getting into that whole yes and no thing all the time. It's about just getting them to laugh rather than getting in power struggles.~
I walk around with a hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen all the time.
I use as high SPF as I can get, and I live under a hat like a mushroom all the time. Someone said they're worried about their kids getting older and doing drugs, and I got this look of horror on my face and thought, 'What if my girls don't wear hats?' But at 13 months old, they could say 'hat.
With the red hair, you get the white skin; it's a package deal. The cons are that you never look particularly attractive on the beach. The pros are in a softly lit room, you look pretty.
For women of a certain age, how do you meet a guy, fall in love, and decide he's the right man to have children with? Your clock's ticking, you're looking at him, and it's a crazy, pressure-filled experience.
What I lack in energy, I have in wisdom.
I'd like to be a wife and mother. I guess I'll know Mr. Right when I meet him.
I'll tell you my routine - it's really exciting. I feed, I burp, I change diapers, I pump. And then I have a tiny window of time to myself.
I really love and it is important to me to be physically fit.
I would ask my dad what he did, and he'd say, 'I listen to people's problems.' In some way what he did for a living is in my genes.
It's kind of ironic that if I get my Ph.D., I'll be a real doctor
When 'Desperate Housewives' ends, I think my girls will be about the kindergarten age. I will be so happy to be there for them through that huge transition.
Your forties is not the time to be thinking about getting pregnant.
It's not like I'm cooking! I'm breastfeeding - I feel like that's the best cooking I could do.
I've been working so hard for the past eight years and I'm tired - but I'm also deliciously tired because what a wonderful life I've lived.
I'd never say no to surgery in the future, because I feel like, as I get older, I'm going to face temptation more.
I couldn't do an acting job just to be working. It really had to have some soul to it.
Oh my God, I can't believe what you did for me - thank you. I love you so much.
I have good genes in my family, so we'll see just how long I'll be around.
I like bringing the girls on set, but if I can't do that then the next day I feel I have to be uber-mum to make up for it. Then I'm exhausted and feel like I'm running in fumes.
I try to balance it out on the whole. Being a mum is always the priority. Next, it's taking care of yourself. Right now, I get to only work two days a week - it's a dream. I can't imagine how hard it is for mothers who work 40 hours a week.
I really romanticized being pregnant. Then I realized, this is awful!
I really have to force myself to tidy up around the house.
I have always wanted to know what's going on under the surface.
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