Love is only a dirty trick played on us to achieve continuation of the species.
A dirty joke is a sort of mental rebellion.
Politics is a dirty business, but if you do not do politics, politics will be done to you.
Politics is a dirty business, a ruse, an ideological cul-de-sac, a vast looter of intellectual and financial resources, a lie that corrupts, a deceiver, a means of unleashing vast evil in the world of the most unexpected and undetected sort and the greatest diverter of human productivity ever concocted by those who do not believe in authentic social and economic progress.
Gossip is always a personal confession either of malice or imbecility, and the young should not only shun it, but by the most thorough culture relieve themselves from all temptation to indulge in it. It is a low, frivolous, and too often a dirty business. There are country neighborhoods in which it rages like a pest. Churches are split in pieces by it. Neighbors are made enemies by it for life. In many persons it degenerates into a chronic disease, which is practically incurable. Let the young cure it while they may.
I reject the cynical view that politics is a dirty business.
It will help erase the idea that politics is a second-rate profession and a dirty business.
This is a dirty business, that is why I go out and play with my heart. I feel like football players are overworked and underpaid compared to any other sports. This is like a nine to five. No guaranteed contracts, and that is the worst thing about it.
The question in their minds was, why did the outside world, and particularly the Western world, produce all these landmines, and send them to Afghanistan? This business must be stopped. It's a dirty business to produce such a horrible device.
History at its best is a gritty, dirty business.
The tagline behind "House of Lies" is funny, dirty, business. The show is a comedy satire about how big business operates. Most Americans that work in corporate America should be able to relate to this show.
Violence begets violence by whomever used. War is a dirty business and entails the use of degrading means, whoever wages it.
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