I'm a kind person, I'm kind to everyone, but if you are unkind to me, then kindness is not what you'll remember me for
Be careful who you call your friends. I’d rather have four quarters than one hundred pennies.
A smile can get you far, but a smile with a gun can get you further.
In this life all that I have is my word and my balls and I do not break them for nobody.
A crook is a crook, and there's something healthy about his frankness in the matter. But any guy who pretends he is enforcing the law and steals on his authority is a swell snake. The worst type of these punks is the big politician. You can only get a little of his time because he spends so much time covering up that no one will know that he is a thief. A hard-working crook will-and can-get those birds by the dozen, but right down in his heart he won't depend on them-hates the sight of them.
Some call it bootlegging. Some call it racketeering. I call it a business.
I would rather be rich affluent and greedy and go to hell when I die, than live in poverty on this earth.
I am like any other man. All I do is supply a demand.
Hell must be a pretty swell spot, because the guys that invented religion have sure been trying hard to keep everybody else out.
I have spent the best years of my life giving people the lighter pleasures, helping them have a good time, and all I get is abuse, the existence of a hunted man.
You accomplish more with a smile, a handshake, and a gun than you do with just a smile and a handshake.
They can't collect legal taxes from illegal money.
I am just a businessman, giving the people what they want.
I got nothing against the honest cop on the beat. You just have them transferred someplace where they can't do you any harm. But don't ever talk to me about the honor of police captains or judges. If they couldn't be bought they wouldn't have the job.
Capitalism is the legitimate racket of the ruling class.
You can do more with a kind word and a gun than with just a kind word.
When I sell liquor, it's bootlegging. When my patrons serve it on a silver tray on Lakeshore Drive, it's hospitality.
Every time a boy falls off a tricycle, every time a black cat has gray kittens, every time someone stubs a toe, every time there's a murder or a fire or the marines land in Nicaragua, the police and the newspapers holler 'get Capone.'
This American system of ours,call it Americanism,call it capitalism,call it what you will,gives each and every one of us a great opportunity if we seize it with both hands and make the most of it.
Now I know why tigers eat their young.
Prohibition has made nothing but trouble
I have built my organization upon fear.
We been on the road for 18 hours... I need a bath, some chow... and then you and me sit down, and we talk about who dies,eh?
Bolshevism is knocking at our gates, we can't afford to let it in...We must keep America whole and safe and unspoiled. We must keep the worker away from red literature and red ruses; we must see that his mind remains healthy.
I am sick and tired of publicity. I want no more of it. It puts me in a bad light. I just want to be forgotten.
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