I believe in myself. I believe in the hands that work, in the brains that think, and in the hearts that love.
It's the lack of faith that makes people afraid of meeting challenges, and I believe in myself. He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life. I figured that if I said it enough, I would convince the world that I really was the greatest.
You know, it sounds corny, but I believe in myself. And I work hard.
I believe in myself like a five-year-old believes in himself. They say look at me, look at me! Then they do a flip in the backyard. It won't even be that amazing, but everyone will be clapping for them.
Modern people are only willing to believe in their computers, while I believe in myself.
I believe in myself as I look forward to graduating from Hamilton Heights High School in 1991.
I believe in myself. There's nothing wrong with believing in myself. That's the whole idea, is that you can always become better.
I believe in myself. I believe in my vision, my life, my talent, my art. More than anyone. No one can take that away from me.
I think we can be our own gods. I believe in myself.
I believe in myself over everyone else. There's nothing that walks on two legs that I'm afraid of.
"Failure" isn't a word I really use. I am a very resilient person; I bounce back extremely fast, and I believe in myself and my talent as an artist.
So many times, people told me I can't do this or can't do that. My nature is that I don't listen very well. I'm very determined, and I believe in myself. My parents brought me up that way. Thank God for that. I don't let anything stand in my way.
I believe in myself, especially with how hard I've worked. I'm one of the top five players in the world. I feel like I've proven myself.
I never use a napkin on my lap at a restaurant...because I believe in myself.
I believe in myself, and I've always had people behind me who believed in me. With that, you can do anything.
It's lack of faith that makes people afraid of meeting challenges, and I believed in myself.
I believe in women. I believe in myself. I believe in my body.
He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.
I believe in believing. My coach John Kavanagh is a big atheist and he is always trying to persuade people to his way of thinking, and I think what a waste of energy. If people want to believe in this god, or that god, that's fine by me, believe away. But I think we can be our own gods. I believe in myself.
I believe in good luck, and the harder I work and the more I believe in myself, the luckier I get.
My first goal was to get a job . And I did that. And I think I've just been fortunate to be surrounded by good people who believed in me as much as I believe in myself.
I have a race routine. I have a team of people helping me. I have winning habits. I believe in myself. I have balance in my life.
Whenever I eat at a restaurant I never put the napkin in my lap. People say, 'Hannibal, why don't you put the napkin in your lap?' Because I believe in myself. I believe in my ability to not spill food in my pants 'cause I'm a goddamn adult. And I've mastered the art of getting food from my plate to my mouth without messing up my jeans. You need to believe in yourself, too and get your life together, that's for babies. Have some confidence in your eating abilities and hand/eye coordination.
What really fueled me, and maybe infuriated me, is that nobody believed in me. Nobody. I don't even think I believe in myself.
I figured that if I said it enough, I would convince the world that I really was the greatest.
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