The secret to a happy marriage is if you can be at peace with someone within four walls, if you are content because the one you love is near to you, either upstairs or downstairs, or in the same room, and you feel that warmth that you don't find very often, then that is what love is all about.
It could still be a good night if you play your cards right.
You can shuffle my deck any day!
It may be an old cliche, but I think true love will last; it has no end. But finding the right person is a very difficult thing.
That Mick Jagger, I feel sorry for him. After all these years he still can't get no satisfaction.
I don't want to grow old gracefully. I want to put up a bit of a fight.
Nice to see you, to see you nice
I don't do close-ups any more. I am better looking from the waist downwards.
I hate the term 'arm candy.' But, look, a woman's figure is a beautiful thing, and if she has shapely legs, then she should show them off, because men love to see that. Not just heterosexual men - gay men like to see a woman in her beauty and the shape of her.
When a performer doesn't get nervous, that is when you have to give up.
My father earned every penny he had, and I would have loved to have bought him a Rolls-Royce because his whole life was cars. Sadly, he didn't live to see the day when I could have done that for him, which still hurts.
When you've been brought up in variety, I think timing is always important in your life. If I'm ever late for anything, whether it's personal or business, I always apologise. 'I'm sorry I'm late,' and all that. And if somebody is late meeting me, I expect them to say 'I'm sorry I'm late.' It's just, shall we say, showbiz etiquette of my day.
Ambition can take the place of everything - even sex.
There are enough tears in any child's life; we certainly don't need to add to them in the name of entertainment.
I am not doddery... doddery I am not!
It gets harder every day to get out of bed. I don't feel like it loads of the time. It is only my exercise routine which wakes me up.
It's the combination of marrying a beautiful woman three decades younger and my iPad that keeps me young.
It's important for a dancer to wear very tight underpants. I used to feel a bit exposed if I wasn't being held up in the right place.
Puerto Rico is one of those places you can be as quiet or as crazy as you want, because there's so much nightlife. I have to take the craziness carefully.
Just doing any kind of work - even an interview for breakfast television - makes me feel happy.
No one - apart from my agent, perhaps - should leave one of my shows in tears.
If I go out one night, I must stay in the next. It's the same with my golf. If I play one day, I don't play the next. I try to pace myself.
When I married Wilnelia, one of the first things I wanted to know about Puerto Rico was the quality of the golf courses.
My biggest regret is that my mother didn't see me walk on to that London Palladium stage, being the star she always wanted me to be. But I always say that when she reached Heaven, she had a word with a few agents.
When I was in the business as a young performer, it was a recognised fact that when you got to 60 you were out, because there'd be a new crop of comics coming up all the time, every 10 years or so.
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