I think the idea is that every person has to live for his or her own life and then make the choice to share it with other people. Maybe that is what makes people "participate.
please believe that things are good with me, and even when they're not, they will be soon enough. And i will always believe the same about you.
Not everyone has a sob story, Charlie, and even if they do, it's no excuse.
You can't just sit there and put everyone's lives ahead of yours and think that counts as love. You just can't. You have to do things.
And even if somebody else has it much worse, that doesn't really change the fact that you have what you have. Good and bad.
But even with my minimal amount of fame, there are certain perks. Recently, I was at a movie premier, and at the party after the movie, Meryl Streep was loose, walking around the room like a normal person. Absolutely nothing was preventing me from lunging toward her and shrieking "Dingoes ate my baby! Dingoes ate my baby!
I just need to know that someone out there listens and understands and doesn't try to sleep with someone even if they could have. I need to know these people exist.
I can’t believe you bit me there,” she finally said. “But what I really can’t believe is how it felt.” A smile curved his lips. “There are perks to being a vampire. That is one of them. I’ll enjoy showing you the others.
And I guess I realized at that moment that I really did love her. Because there was nothing to gain, and that didn't matter.
Just tell me how to be different in a way that makes sense.
Elected office holds more perks than Elvis' nightstand.
Bill Clinton sitting on Air Force One getting his hair cut while people around the country cooled their heels and waited for him, became a metaphor for a populist president who had gotten drunk with the perks of his own power and was sort of, you know, not sensitive to what people wanted.
Fame can be annoying, but there are perks too.
One of the perks of being a psychologist is access to tools that allow you to carry out the injunction to know thyself.
I don't mean being famous is a perk, because one knows that it's not necessarily a perk, but there are certain perks to being well-known and respected in one's field. Public perks. Like, I don't know, general friendliness and willingness to please, just to point out two.
The Fat Girl Code of Conduct: 1. Any sexual activity is a secret. No public displays of affection. 2. Don’t discuss your weight with him. 3. Go further than skinny girls. If you can’t sell him on your body, you’d better overcompensate with sexual perks. 4. Never, ever, ever, ever, ever push the relationship thing.
It was the kind of kiss that made me know that I was never so happy in my whole life.
We didn't talk about anything heavy or light. We were just there together. And that was enough
I wanted to laugh. Or maybe get mad. Or maybe shrug at how strange everyone was, especially me.
It’s like when you’re excited about a girl and you see a couple holding hands, and you feel so happy for them. And other times you see the same couple, and they make you so mad. And all you want is to feel happy for them because you know that if you do, then it means you’re happy, too.
She's not here," I tell him. Buttercup hisses again. "She's not here. You can hiss all you like. You won't find Prim." At her name, he perks up. Raises his flattened ears. Begins to meow hopefully. "Get out!" He dodges the pillow I throw at him. "Go away! There's nothing left for you here!" I start to shake, furious with him. "She's not coming back! She's never ever coming back here again!" I grab another pillow and get to my feet to improve my aim. Out of nowhere, the tears begin to pour down my cheeks. "She's dead, you stupid cat. She's dead.
The problem with a beautiful woman is that she makes everyone around her feel hopelessly masculine, which if you’re already male to begin with poses no particular problem. But if you’re anyone else, your whole sexual identity gets dragged into the principal’s office: “So what’s this I hear about you prancing around, masquerading as a woman?” You are answerless. You are sitting on your hands. You are praying for your breasts to grow, your hair to perk up.
Motivation is an inner force that compels behavior. Your inner drives will propel you further and faster than external perks.
My years of living the jet-set life were fun, but they weren't fulfilling. The perks and benefits were lovely, but all of the fabulous furs, fancy jewelry and fun fetes simply weren't enough to fill my soul.
Why would the apostles lie?....Liars always lie for selfish reasons. If they lied, what was their motive, what did they get out of it? What they got out of it was misunderstanding, rejection, persecution, torture, and martyrdom. Hardly a list of perks!
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